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Recipe: chocolate heart tarts with raspberries

Dish: delicious chocolate heart tarts with raspberries

Chocolate Heart Tarts with Raspberries
Light or dark chocolate sweet thaws
Nesting heart cookie cutters
# 4 Tip
Non reusable Decorating bags
2 (15 ounce) plans cooled (9-inch) pie crusts
1 egg white combined with 2 tsps water
1/2 pint raspberries
Confectioners’ sugar

Makes 6 to 8 tarts.

Making use of biggest cutter, reduced out 2 hearts. To create boundary, reduced out facility of one heart utilizing 3rd biggest cutter. Making use of tiniest cutter reduced out small hearts for garnish.

Utilizing biggest cutter, reduced out 2 hearts. To create boundary, reduced out facility of one heart making use of 3rd biggest cutter. Making use of tiniest cutter reduced out tiny hearts for garnish. To connect boundary to base, brush side of heart with egg clean; top with boundary. Leading with tiny heart bread.

With bag and idea, pipeline ganache right into sharp coverings. Organize raspberries on ganache. Leading with tiny heart bread.

1/4 mug light whipping cream
7 ounces dark or light chocolate
Sweet thaws, sliced