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Recipe: Candy Apple Popcorn Balls

Sweet Apple Snacks Balls


2 tbsps butter
2 tbsps granulated sugar
2 tbsps brownish sugar
1/4 mug molasses
1/4 mug white corn syrup
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp ginger
Dashboard cloves
1/2 mug snacks, stood out
1 mug toasted walnuts, sliced
1 mug dried out apples, reduced tiny


Place butter, sugar, brownish sugar, molasses, corn syrup, cinnamon, ginger and cloves right into a hefty pan. Prepare over modest warm to 280 levels F on a sweet thermostat. Put over the stood out corn, apples and walnuts.

Place butter, sugar, brownish sugar, molasses, corn syrup, cinnamon, ginger and cloves right into a hefty pan. Put over the stood out corn, apples and walnuts.