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Recipe: cactus rubies

Dish: cactus rubies

Cactus Rubies
This is a red jellied sweet from an old Arizona food, the irritable pear cactus. When they go to Arizona, visitors purchase a whole lot of this sweet.

2 mugs granulated sugar
1 1/3 mugs light corn syrup
1 1/2 mugs red cactus juice
2 (1 3/4 ounce) plan powdered fruit pectin
1 tsp cooking soft drink

To acquire the cactus juice, collect really ripe red-purple tuna (fruit) from irritable pear cactus with tongs. Boil fruit up until soft, sometimes mashing down and reducing via the fruit to launch the juice. This juice might be canister in fruit containers and utilized for jellies and sweets, or utilized promptly.

End up on sugared wax paper. Cut right into squares and layer with even more granulated sugar. Permit to completely dry at area temperature level prior to keeping.

Sweet Procedure
Usage 2 big frying pans since sweet foams. All at once, chef lathering juice, pectin and cooking soft drink mix in one more frying pan till lathering passes away down, mixing both mixes. Eliminate from fire, mix a little bit extra to enable bubbles to get away and sweet to clear.

Usage 2 huge frying pans due to the fact that sweet foams. Get rid of from fire, mix a little bit much more to enable bubbles to leave and sweet to clear.

To acquire the cactus juice, collect really ripe red-purple tuna (fruit) from irritable pear cactus with tongs. Boil fruit till soft, sometimes mashing down and reducing via the fruit to launch the juice. This juice might be container in fruit containers and utilized for jellies and sweets, or utilized promptly.