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Recipe: American Blessing Mix

Dish: American True Blessing Mix

Crackers: Arms folded up in petition, a liberty looked for by the owners of our nation.

American Blessings Mix
2 mugs Bugles brand name corn treats
2 mugs tiny crackers
1 mug sweet corn
1 mug dried out fruit little bits or raisins
1 mug peanuts or sunflower seeds
1 mug M&M s delicious chocolate sweet
16 Hershey’s delicious chocolate kisses

Dried Fruits: Harvest presents of our abundant land.

Sweet Corn: Sacrifices of the Pilgrim’s very first wintertime. Food was so limited that the inhabitants made it through on simply a couple of bits of corn each day.

Bugles: Shaped like a cornucopia or Horn of Plenty, an icon of our Nation’s wealth.

In a huge dish, delicately blend all active ingredients other than Hershey’s Kisses. Location 1/3 to 1/2 mug Blessing Mix in tiny cellophane reward bags.

Hershey’s Kiss: The love of friends and family that sweetens our lives.

In a huge dish, delicately blend all components other than Hershey’s Kisses. Area 1/3 to 1/2 mug Blessing Mix in tiny cellophane reward bags. Include one Hershey’s Kiss to each bag. Close bag with chenille stem or twist-tie.

Nut or Seeds: Promise of a future harvest, one will certainly gain just if seeds are grown and often tended to with persistance.

M&M s: Memories of those that came prior to us to lead us to a honored future.